“Wisdom is not made just of words. Wisdom is actions without words often learned through experience based on mistakes, pain and sorrow.” ~Jolita Kelias
The path you walk is Your path. You are teaching yourself the truths that your inner-being desires to experiences in this world of living. Your thoughts, your actions, your feelings – it is the time in the moment where you express inwardly and outwardly of who you are. But only in that moment. Recreation of that moment creates the habit and the pattern. The habit and the pattern contribute to one’s growth to a certain degree until it transforms from the stepping stone into obstruction.
Unfortunately, the path to wisdom is not a straightforward experience. You going to try new things, you going to fall, you going to have joyful moments and moments of sorrow. However, it is not what defines you as a human. How you stand up after you fall or fly and how you carry on with your life after the loss or attainment is something that becomes another stepping stone bringing you closer to becoming wiser and wiser.
Wisdom speaks through actions. Words are words. But actions are the ones that define who you are and how you are. You are a human, I am a human. As humans we make mistakes. We must make them because that’s our school, our learning curve, our tests and our successes. I don’t think such thing as failure at all exists. It is a learning curve that strengthens one’s inner and outer being. When you really think about it, everything that happens in life has a reason and an answer. Later, it is all about when you are ready to accept it.
Wisdom does not announce itself. It comes out from the shadows of life silently and with the smile on its invisible face. You begin making different choices, you surround yourself with different type of people, you become someone you always wished becoming, you start being and less doing. You literally become a better version of yesterday’s You. And so, tomorrow promises another lesson, another stepping stone, another fall, another loss, another test, another success and another inner-outer transformation leading you to another you – wiser You.
The path to wisdom is one exciting challenge that is capable of breaking you into pieces… And I promise you, it will break you, it will crack you, it will toss you around, it will thunder its knowledge into your being until you fulfill the purpose you came here for. No victims, no losers, no winners – just a fulfillment of one’s inner purpose.
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