breatheI received an email from someone asking me, how I find strength to follow my heart and dive into uncertainty. So I replied…

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Once you are ready to take a full breath, you simply take it.

Once you get fed up even with things or people that give you comfort and you start feeling as if being short of breath, that’s then you begin looking for a way out, for that hole in the wall from which a fresh air comes in. That’s then you remember or get to know your life’s purpose.

You see, you came into this life not to live from cheque to cheque and bow to the norms created by majority of society controlled by fear. You came here because you had a special purpose, a special mission in mind.

If current life circumstances began suffocating you, it means your inner voice stopped whispering, but instead started shouting as loud as it can in order to convey its message to you. It rings the bells, it will even suffocate you if that is the only way for you to hear its voice. It tells you as loud and as clear as it can: “I am here. Please hear me. Please remember your purpose, pay attention to your heart’s calling. Start truly living!”

Eventually you will take the action once the comforts you have will stop fulfilling you. A fear you have is killing all of your healthy nerve cells and only create illnesses. You will know your answers only once you dare to make that final leap towards a different way of living and being. However, please note, on this path you will be alone…at least at the beginning. You will receive some help, but you will experience various challenges too. Those challenges will not be there to put you down but to strengthen you.

There was a time when I thought I knew what kind of life I will live for the rest of my life, when I thought I knew what tomorrow will bring, when I thought I could plan my life… Now I laugh each time I remember this. I thank God for not giving me the knowledge to know anything about tomorrow, but for giving me the power to create my today as I choose.

If for financial reasons you cannot afford to leave the job you dislike, then just know there is another way too. Begin doing what you love now, what your heart calls you for. If that is dancing, then go and dance; if that is writing, then write; if that is painting, then paint; if those things are sports or meditation or being among people or teaching or studying or travelling or helping poor people, then, for goodness sake, go and do it. Begin taking small steps, and the rest will follow. While you do what you love, you will experience a tremendous joy for life and people, for present and future. No obstacle will ever bother you. Simply dare to open your mind to the calling of your heart here and now.

Living life based on your heart’s calling, you will meet the most wonderful people of this planet Earth, you will visit places you thought never existed, you will attend events and spend time among people you thought became a rare species. You will experience a miracle of life. One way or the other you will get to your destination if you just believe.

Everything is much simpler than you think. To go over that red line you consider to be a major life change it is as easy as to brush your teeth in the morning and evening. What becomes difficult is to believe that you are cared for and that Life/God will keep you safe and hold you when you fall.

It was said that “If you are alone and you desire to meet the love of your life, then begin doing what you love the most, and the person, who loves what you do, will appear.”

I have gone through many obstacles while pursuing the calling of my heart, but life generously has been rewarding me since then for my belief, determination, stubbornness, sincerity and persistence. I live an incredibly rich life, which has little to do with money and a lot with profound life experiences, and if I ever need anything, Life makes sure to take care of me and deliver to my doorstep whatever that is, for as long as I believe and keep walking.

Let go of your fear. Start walking. Breathe.

Hugging you…

Jolita Kelias

Copyright © Jolita Kelias, 2013
All Rights Reserved

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