If I showed you what lies inside my heart, would you believe it, would you take it as a real thing? Would you?
If I showed you the love that resides in me, would you still allow me to give it freely and be myself or would you want it all for yourself and yourself alone?
If I showed you what I truly thought about you, would you accept it and welcome it?
If I showed you how deep I can go when thinking about you, would you go to those depths together with me?
If I showed you what treasures lie inside my heart, would you leave them there or take them with you? ….. (If I Showed You… poem)
The poem IF I SHOWED YOU narrated and read by Jolita Kelias
Music created and played by musician/ writer T.Wilson King from South Dakota, USA
Pictures by visual artist Michael Brooks from Los Angeles, California, USA
Video by Sharon Lars Steffens from Germany
Copyright © Jolita Kelias 2016
All Rights Reserved