Years ago I craved for people’s validation regarding my talents, outer looks, inner potential, ability to stand alone, my own strength, and more. But things changed. I woke up. Now when someone says:
“Jolita, you look really good today”, I say, “Thank you, I know” and I smile back.
“Jolita, you are so young and have achieved so much. You have got a huge potential.” And I say, “Yep, indeed!”“Jolita, you are really talented.” And I reply to this, “I am indeed. Thank you.”
“Jolita, there is something unique about you. You are like a magnet…” And I reply to this, “Welcome to my world.”
Now I know me and because of that I am able to see beauty, talent, strength and gracious vulnerability, honesty and love in others and bring it up into the light without a single concern of my own little ego getting hurt. Because, you see, you are wonderful; you are beautiful, you are unique; you are strong; you are precious….just like me.
Copyright © Jolita Kelias 2016
All Rights Reserved