They say letting go is the hardest thing one could do in life, but I dare to argue this. It is not the hardest thing! It is the wisest thing any human could do!!
Look at our Mother Nature, its accomplishments! It does it all in its own order with no hurry and desperation. Whether we, humans, stand in its way or not, the Mother Nature finds its way to grow and flourish. Nothing can stop it, nothing can correct it. And because of this incredible force, it destroys all around it if needed, because, you see, it is never wise to stand in the way of one and only truth – nature’s truth. It has an agenda and no desire to compromise. We go, we trim its trees and grass, we correct its wild ways of being and living, we tidy the bushes and forests, we spray chemicals so as to keep it all in a humanly order, we kill its fauna and flora, we regulate, but nature does not say No, does not go against it, does not fight us back, it simply lives its truth. And truth always prevails regardless. When are we going to understand that?
So what if we, people, would do the same in our lives and relationships with others? What if we allow the time and its flow to care for us while we live our lives in the way that makes us happy?! No need to hurt anyone, no need to force, no need to fear or feel threatened, no need to rush and fight, no need to despair and lack, no need to cry and grieve. Life will make sure to find a way for us as long as we stand firmly in our roots of purpose. The truth is no one and nothing can abstain from the truth of one’s soul and its agenda. You can hide, you can deny, you can fear, you can loath, you can be angry, you can run, but ultimately it will catch up with you, because, you see, you have the purpose. Fulfil that purpose whatever that might be in the full knowing that you are cared for, loved and protected.
There is no need to try to control nothing, because nature, whether it is human nature or Mother Nature, cannot be controlled. It can be lived. It can be travelled through. It can be experienced. It can be loved, but not controlled.
Love is as wild and amazing. Mother Nature is ruled by love. Love is its root, its tree, its plant, its everything. Love rules. Our one and only purpose in life is to love and be loved in return. Let’s allow the love to be. Let’s plant the seed and let it grow. Some seeds grow and blossom faster, some slower, but they all accomplish their purpose eventually. Rules don’t apply here. Just let it be. Trust it. No need to question, no need to reach for order, no need to seek for answers. The answers will come on their own accord, the order will make itself present and future will become today in one’s life if we just allow it to flow.
Our minds are clotted with questions and the need to have all the answers instead of just living life as it comes while also doing our best in whatever we wish and dream about. Our heads want answers here and now while in the meantime blocking the possibility of surprise and wonder, locking the door to miracles and healing and shutting our eyes in front of the most profound beauty of all. Life is not short. Life is long in its moments and experience. Life is incredibly unpredictable, and to this day humanity yet wishes to put it in some sort of order, and control it. Mother Nature cannot be controlled, love cannot be controlled, human nature cannot be controlled, because, you see, all of that is connected – it is One.
I came into your life. Let me be for as long as I am meant to. When my time comes to go, let me go with the door left open in case if I wish to return, and yet please continue living your life. And I promise, I will not only return, I might stay, if you just allow it all to flow. Want me, love me and let me be. I will never want to leave for as long as you let me be.
Allow it to flow.
Copyright © Jolita Kelias 2015
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