guardian_angelHe opened his eyes, looked around and thought to himself: “Finally landed”.

“Welcome to Heaven,” a voice greeted.

The soul looked around, there was no one to be seen. He noticed a spiral staircase standing further away from him, but otherwise there was nothing else to look at.

“Who is talking to me?” the soul wondered.

“You asked to come to heaven, so here you are,” the voice replied.

“I must say, I expected a bit more from heaven, whoever you are.”

“You asked to be a human angel, so here is your first opportunity,” a voice continued. “I am Archangel Michael. Nice to meet you,” and a white huge figure suddenly appeared in front of the soul.

He jumped on his feet straight away.

“You are not here by a mere coincidence,” Archangel spoke.

“I can sense that,” the soul seemed to be even more confused. “Does it mean I am dead?”

Archangel stayed quiet.

The soul tried to remember his last moves, his last thoughts, his last words, and nothing seemed to come into his mind.

“My mind seems to be blank. Why is that?” the soul wondered.

“You arrived at the gate of heaven, in order to enter into this domain, your whole being must be cleansed from earthly living. When the mind is shut, the rest happens automatically.”

“You said, I asked to be a human angel?”

“Yes, indeed,” Archangel Michael confirmed his words.

“Does it mean I am an angel already?”

“No, not yet. There are things you need to understand and take responsibility for, first.”

“If I am already here, it means I am ready to help you in your duties, I am ready to serve humanity,” the soul insisted.

Archangel Michael seemed to become very serious. “You were given an amazing opportunity to live on the planet earth; you were given all the tools, all the days and nights for you to do your work, all the people were sent your way, and yet you failed to fulfil your humanly duty.”

“I did my best, Michael,” the soul tried to defend itself. “I made a living, I had family, I went to work (actually, I spent more time at work than with my own family and I did it all for them), I slaved my time for other people, rarely I let myself to rest. And now you are saying I did not fulfil my duty.”

“Before you incarnated onto mother earth, you wanted to be a human angel, to serve humanity and help as many people as possible, but once you got onto that land, you forgot all and became wrapped into the earthly living. So…you made money, you made name for yourself, you had family who hardly knew you, you had a couple of love affairs and a few friends, but… Have you done what you intended to do in the first place? Did you serve humanity? Did you do charity work? Did you volunteer your time and effort for good causes? What did you gain on earth that you could not bring here with you?” Archangel’s voice was becoming more like a thunder. “Then, before you died, you remembered about us, Angels, and asked again to be a human angel as you did not have enough time to be one while alive. Tell me, who gave you a thought that being a human angel from the realms of heaven was easier than from the realms of physical life?”

“I guess you made it look easy…” the soul replied.

“If that’s so easy, then what are you waiting for?” Archangel Michael seemed to lose his patience.

“I don’t know where to begin…”

“You were physically able to help more brothers and sisters than anyone else here in heaven can accomplish in one day, and yet you wasted every single opportunity given to you.”

“It was not easy there, Michael,” the soul tried to explain itself. “Life was demanding my full attention, my time, and I could not find any more of that for others, but now that I am here, I have plenty of time for all and everything.”

“There is no time! There is an eternity!” Archangel paused for a moment and then spoke again, “On the physical plane you could have done a lot of good work, and you did do a bit of it but not enough. On the physical plane appreciation, love and devotion would have reached you faster and easier than working from the realms of heaven.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“When you were on earth, you often complained and moaned about people lacking appreciation and time for each other. So here is what I will tell you… We, Angels, work day and night, we never rest, we love unconditionally, we care for our assigned souls and we are there for them regardless. However, here you will experience the biggest shortage of appreciation and love you have ever experienced on earth. Here humans will turn to you only when they need something from you or run short on good luck or are on their death bed. Whenever one will say Thank You to you, you will hold it in your hand like a priceless treasure and will never let it go, and whenever the soul will say I Love You – you will hold it close to your heart and keep it there for the eternity, in case if that’s the first and the last time you hear the soul so sincerely opening itself to you.

“You failed to perform your chosen duty while on the physical plane and wasted every chance for giving, showing and receiving true love. Here you will learn how to treasure little drops of it that come once in a long while from your fellow human souls.” With these words he disappeared.

~Jolita Kelias

Copyright © Jolita Kelias 2013
All Rights Reserved

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